In times like these, we could all use a sidekick.

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Its time to start imagining a future you want and designing a pathway to get there. 


Sarah Millston left a career in nonprofit management to found The Spark Mill, a consulting company that uses values as a basis for change. Whether a guide, instigator, or knowledge base Sarah is passionate about connecting the dots and giving people the right plan and tools to make stuff happen.  Over the last fifteen years as a consultant, Sarah has worked with hundreds of associations, nonprofits, and businesses to help at the intersection of creativity, strategy, and action.  Sarah is an active speaker and trainer around the Mid-Atlantic region on all aspects of strategic planning, nonprofit sustainability, and brand strategy and was named Instructor of the Year in 2015 at Nonprofit Learning Point and the 2017 class of Top 40 Under 40. Sarah counts Mary Baldwin University and VCU as her alma maters. When she isn't at work she wrangles two very different young girls with the hope of raising good humans.

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